Why I built a Paystack Library regardless of the tens of paystack libraries that already exist
Yeah! that’s right! I actually did that. Just to clear the air I am not one of those guys who love to reinvent the wheel pointlessly.
It’s not a long story, trust me…
So I’ve been on freelancer’s blunt for over a month now (no tasks for a while now) and it sent me searching for an actual job. I signed up to a few job notification sites and began my search for the perfect short term job (about 6 months give or take). In less than two days I saw the dream job and applied and got hired….. Okay, not really…
Actually after going through about 10 different jobs, I learnt my first lesson about job seeking: the power of resumes!!! Prior to this time, I didn’t have a resume and turns out actual employers don’t want to take your word for it. They want to see stats. Not compulsorily work experience but the fact that you can do what you say you can. That means past code samples, projects, code repositories and the likes. Now that’s basically what goes into your resume. Then it dawned on me… I don’t have all this, well I actually do but they are all client jobs and all web sites/services. I needed something more fresh and tangible. So I dumped the job search and took on the challenge of making my resume and making sure it is employer ready.
Since that day I pushed some of my side projects to GitHub and have been on GitHub daily searching for concepts I could build upon. It was tiresome at first but I made it a habit and it was it’s own reward. That’s how paystack-py, my Paystack wrapper, was born. Now it’s not the best paystack wrapper out there and it probably has a lot of bugs but it’s worth the learning and I am going to be re-implementing a lot of things more often.